Who I am – Who you are

Posted by Ken Campbell October 30, 2012 2 Comments 1192 views
My name is Ken Campbell. This is my blog and the views on it are mine, not supported by or attributable to any other person, company or organization. Sometimes, my views change – less often than they might have done in my younger days – but when that happens, I am likely to admit it. I began this blog as what was essentially a “writer’s notebook,” to which I could refer back from time to time and use ideas I’d thought of in the past to help in other projects. Sometimes I use photos from the web, sometimes I add my own photos, but the way I see this page, it is primarily about the words and while they may not be profound, may not be literature, they are mine. I take ownership of what is written here.
When I began, I didn’t really think about readers… I never really thought there would be many. With that said, I don’t go out of my way to try and offend anyone. I have political points of view, but this is not where I normally give them voice. Neither do I discuss religion; there are plenty of other blogs to visit if that’s what you are looking for. I will mention sports from time to time, but even that is rare (and usually limited to quick posts about how great it is to be a Packers fan owner.)
Lately I’ve seen a spike in readership and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a little exciting. I’ve seen a real jump in comments as well, and for the most part, they have been interesting and fun to read, and I enjoy replying to them when they come in. Some, however, are entirely of another type. Let me try to make this clear: if you use excessive profanity, if your comments disparage me personally (or anyone else), or if what you have to say could be considered libelous, your comments will not be posted. No matter how many times you re-send them. 
Likewise, if you don’t sign your name, I won’t respond and your comment will die in my inbox. The anonymity of the internet seems to turn some folks a touch sociopathic, and we won’t have any of that here. I like to know who is talking… and who I’m talking to. 
OK. That’s done. I feel better. 

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