Reasoning with winter

Posted by Ken Campbell November 8, 2010 0 Comment 856 views

This is the time of year when I normally hunker down. I’ve always liked to use the long nights to plan for those trips that are loosely scheduled for next year, for when the sun comes back, when the weather and the psyche are ready for them. This is not to say I don’t go outside in the winter, not hardly. It’s just that it has always seemed to be a time for gathering in close, conserving warmth and dreaming of things to come.

I don’t know why, but I don’t feel quite the same this year. I’m feeling a pull that I would usually expect in the spring, an almost magnetic force, impossible to see and difficult to resist. It’s coming, as it always does, from somewhere beyond the horizon and it’s hard to know the source, but it’s undeniably there. I feel like there are too many extraneous cobwebs on my soul and I need a blast of winter air to blow them away.

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