Just like light

Posted by Ken Campbell February 20, 2012 0 Comment 1066 views

This is Steve’s last day here. He goes back to Montana, back to all his paternal responsibilities tomorrow, after spending the last four days welding racks for the shop. They are beautiful and functional pieces of shaped steel; I could not have done them myself and I am truly grateful.
Oh, but there’s still a long way to go.
Or maybe there isn’t. Maybe this is the kind of job that, while it never really ends, can still be over whenever the decision is made to be finished. Mostly done. Done for the day, at least. Maybe it’s done and not done all at the same time. Like light itself, which is both particle and wave, maybe all that is important is that it works, never mind exactly how.
Sometimes, in the interest of maintaining sanity, it is necessary to hold two opposing points of view.

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