Again with Christmas

Posted by Ken Campbell December 24, 2011 2 Comments 1002 views

I remember thinking, back when I was a boy, that my father’s attitude toward Christmas was a lot like Mr. Scrooge’s. “Bah Humbug,” was the sentiment they both shared when anyone offered up season’s greetings. I used to think it was sad, or a joke, or a sad joke, but now I find that I am becoming more like the two of them with each passing year.
I’m not entirely there yet and I don’t feel like turning this into a diatribe about the commercialization of Christmas (which is a silly argument anyway), or some kind of religious tug-of-war. I actually like presents and I have learned much since those younger years about the joy that comes with the giving of gifts, rather than only the receiving. I take my greatest pleasure on Christmas morning from seeing Micah’s face light up when he unwraps a present… he doesn’t really understand exactly where the gifts have come from. For him, the whole event is still a wonder and a mystery. It is magic, Christmas magic, and my Christmas wish is that it stays that way for as long as possible.
With that sentiment in mind, I wish the same for the rest of us as well. I really do want peace on Earth, collective goodwill and for the blessings to last all year. Even Ebenezer Scrooge came around in the end, so there’s still hope for me. (Not so sure about my father.)

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